Probeer samen binnen een beperkt aantal beurt. On the other hand, if you own the original Codenames, you can use the word cards from the two games interchangeably.Kutná Hora: The City of Silver Lost Ruins of Arnak: The Missing Expedition Deal with the Devil Pulsar 2849 Codenames: Bilingual Ukraine-Czech NON-SALE CHARITY EDITION Galaxy Trucker: Keep on Trucking Lost Ruins of Arnak: Expedition Leaders Galaxy Trucker Lost Ruins of Arnak Under Falling Skies Sanctum Through the Ages: New Leaders and Wonders Letter Jam Codenames Duet XXL Trapwords Adrenaline: Team Play DLC Pictomania Codenames Pictures XXL Codenames XXL Pulsar 2849 Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends - Etherweave expansion deck Through the Ages Digital Galaxy Trucker Rocky Road (a novel) That's a Question! Codenames – Duet Alchemists: The King's Golem Adrenaline Codenames – Pictures Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization The Prodigals Club Codenames Galaxy Trucker: Missions Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends - Nethervoid Alchemists Dungeon Lords: Happy Anniversary Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends - Everfrost expansion deck Galaxy Trucker Digital Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends Tzolk'in: Tribes & Prophecies Dungeon Petz: Dark Alleys Last Will: Getting Sacked Galaxy Trucker: Anniversary Edition Galaxy Trucker - The Latest Models Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar Goblins Inc. Codenames - Duet is een coperatieve variant van het succesvolle partyspel Codenames voor 2 (of meer) spelers. By giving each other one-word clues that can point to multiple words on the board, you try to find all the agents before your turns run out.Ĭodenames: Duet includes 400 new words so you do not need any other Codenames game to play. Codenames Codenames: Pictures Codenames: Duet Codenames XXL. Key cards provide 9 words which you attempt to give clues to your partner to guess and 3 words that your partner. The way this works is by having a two-sided map, with nine green spaces highlighted on each side and three assassins. Codenames Duet does something else that is almost even more impressive. And it’s amazing to think how well it scales to 10, 100, 400 people If you’ve got the space.

The cards aren’t the greatest quality, but the tiles are nice and thick. Your partner knows the agents you can contact safely. An official website to play Codenames with your friends. Codenames Duet is a cooperative 2-player game. Codenames Duet takes the concepts of the standard party game and makes it possible to play as a two player game. Codenames is a brilliant little game, a surreal mixture of smarts and silliness the thinky party game. Codenames Duet comes with several hundred clue cards, 15 agent tiles, an Assassin tile, 100 key cards (with a plastic stand to put them in), 11 time/innocent bystander tokens, a rule book, and a pad of mission maps. You know the agents that your partner can contact safely.

Your objective: to contact 15 agents while avoiding a band of enemy assassins.

Samen met jouw partner ben je op een geheime missie in. Duet's key cards are double-sided and the objective is different. Het spel Codenames Duet is een spel voor twee waarin je goed moet samenwerken om het spel te winnen. You and your partner are on a secret mission to a crowded city. Couldn't find the rules for the Disney two-player variant, but if it's anything like the variant in base Codenames (same team, cover up one spot for the simulated opponent every turn), then yeah, Duet is completely different.