Even though you do have a crew with you on your Mars base you will rarely see them, as they are off doing their own jobs by the time the game starts.

I was hooked onto the cosmic horror aspect of the game from the getgo, and that was easily the strongest part of the experience. Some of the twists are rather predictable and some aren’t, but the execution and storytelling was always solid. As the cosmic events start changing things, conflict arises in the crew as they start questioning what is real and what is not. The story here is brilliant, with a strong emphasis on world building and a deeper lore that gets revealed as the game progresses. In a desperate battle for survival, Shane must find a way to stop the infestation and discover the truth behind the nightmares before it’s too late. Things start to go wrong and the nightmares everyone is having become reality, with the infestation getting rapidly worse. When you wake up, you head out on a routine mission to re-align some solar panels and prepare for the arrival of the new crew. After a nightmare sequence that has the base overrun by tentacles and a mysterious figure roaming around, you wake up with everything seemingly fine. You play as Shane Newehart, an engineer for the Trailblazer Alpha Mars base owned by the Orochi Corporation.